Saturday, July 5, 2014

Silent Woman

Living in silence with no need to speak was common place for the ailing widow.
After all who would hear her? Except for an occasion mutter or grumble her voice
was of no use and nonexistent.
Years earlier the house bubbled over with sound. Loud laughter,Television blaring,
the continuous arguing and arguing and arguing. Arguing was definitely her seven
children s favorite pastime. The memories brought a chuckle to the silent woman's lips.
They were such good kids. They all hated each other equally and did not torment just one.
The morning started just as uneventful as the day before. She sipped her coffee, chewed her
toast with jam (people always eat toast and jam in stories) slowly and carefully. The
thought of taking a shower crossed her mind but she decided against it. No one was around to
smell her anyway. Now she has become a silent smelly woman.... such a pity.

Several hours had passed. The silent smelly woman had just finished tidying up her kitchen
and crawled back into her unmade bed for her forenoon nap when suddenly a strange unfamiliar
sound echoed throughout her cottage. Could it be? Was that the telly ringing? It had been weeks,
no months since it sang its song. Who could it be? The children never called unless it
was Christmas or another special holiday. Her favorite, little Billy, would call spontaneously
every now and then. Could it be him? Impossible, he was in rehab and would not have phone
privileges for a couple more week.

The silent smelly woman legs and knees cracked and crunched as she hobbled into her parlor where the usually silent phone resided. For one moment the emotion of hope flooded the woman's mind.
Maybe It was a past friend wanting to reconnect! Or possibly a lost love found
himself thinking of her! With trembling hand the silent smelly woman raised the receiver to her ear.
She opened her mouth to speak, Her voice made only a gurgle. After clearing her throat she was
able to crook a unevenly pitched hello. Alas, The silence had been broken.
The end.
(and you thought it was going to end with a tele marketer)

1 comment:

  1. ok, where is the smelly silent old bags picture? LOL (and you aren't supposed to post stories about me without written consent)
